LES TACTICS D’EMMA – shot this summer for GULLI web
The tutorial fiction where a child teaches others to escape its duties and tasks of daily life.
Series adapted from an episode of the awarded series « J’aime mon job. »
Awarded for best web fiction Luchon Festival 2014!
Synopsis: A little girl gives foolproof tips for little kids to accomplish everyday tasks or just lessons in how to live, by mollifying and soften the adults. With a lot of mischief and humor, she always succeed in getting what she wants and does not do what adults ask her to do.
Target: 6-12
Production: Fablabchannel
Broadcaster: under negociation
Directors: Vincent Ooghe Samir Abdessaied, Djiby Badiane
Scenario: Samir Vincent Ooghe Abdessaied, Djiby Badiane